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LONDON TOWN, United Kingdom
Love life. Sometimes a cheeseburger will help.

Friday 31 August 2012


So its been almost a week or so since my first post and so much has happened with so much to say but I have not had the time to actually sit down and type it out. So here I am on a Friday night blogging, so wild.
A quick overall of what's been happening, I've started an internship which actually pays me quite well unlike others where they don't pay at all. And to top it off they are theeee most loveliest bunch of colleagues! My manager is actually such a lovely lady and rather patient with me too! The colleagues; I feel I have bonded well with, makes working there that much less of a drag. Although come to think of  it a 9-5 shift is actually not as bad as it sounds, whereas I feel a 4 hour shift in retail can feel like a lifetime! Anyways so far at this intern I have just been doing all the petty stuff, I think I'm just there to help with the workload as it becomes busy during September but I suppose I can make the most of it on my CV and hopefully I'll cop that dream job of mine! Which...I still have no clue on which career path to take! (But that'll take a whole new post!).
At one point during the week I thought I was a soldier and done a 9-5 shift and ran straight into my part time job and done a 6-10 shift..boy was I K.O'd! Seriously I would come home, eat, shower, sleep. The next morning I would feel like death! Lesson learnt. Oh and after one of those long ass day I met some crazy ass lady on the tube who just went on a mad one telling me to stop staring at her..she cray! Normally I would be scared because I hate conflict, confrontation and just all them bad vibes (plus she was bigger than me) but I was soooo tired I couldn't give a duck! That woman had issues and you don't mess with crazy people, no no. This is something you learn living in the South East. So I am now a complete full timer, working mon-fri including the weekends at my part time, work hard, play hard, though there's hardly any energy to be playing at all! =[ Apart from working constantly, I'm still trying to job hunt! This is such a bore and demotivating! Everything is just been job related right now, no fun! I wonder if there even is anyone out there who is bothered to read all this! If you've managed to make this far into my post and you're reading this very sentence now, slap yo self! Ha!

I won't make this post any longer than it already is, so toodles!

cupcake love xx

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