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LONDON TOWN, United Kingdom
Love life. Sometimes a cheeseburger will help.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Stage 5.

All my life I've just followed procedures. The 'normal' route you'd take in life. Here's the breakdown of how it normally goes;
  1.  Primary school
  2. Secondary school
  3. College
  4. Uni
  5. Work
  6. Marriage
  7. Kids
  8. Life
Yep, this seems to be the correct order of life and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one out here that's gone through this (FYI I'm on stage 5). 

STAGE 5: This has got to be the most challenging and depressing stage. Mainly because I have just come out of uni with no experience within the field which I want to go into..which I'm not even sure what the field is at the moment :S Maybe I think I want to go into marketing because I just spent 3 years learning the darn thing.

I can't even decide on what career path I want to take, where I want to go or what I want to do. And since I can't answer these questions just yet, what exactly should I be applying for? Most of the desirable jobs I have come across has required years of experience and to top it off, they place a WHOLE lot of jargon on the job description! Which is a major turn off..I'm pretty sure that I am, as well as anyone else is, more than capable to carry out the duties with the correct training and within time. They just dress it all up for no reason; paper work turns in 'administration'.

Searching endlessly for jobs which you feel suits your skills best and then when you finally come across something..the application form. A minimum of 2 sided A4 paper which asks you, 'Why do you want to apply for this role'. Seriously? Are you really that bothered to read through X amount of 'Because I am passionate..' type answers? I wonder if I was to fill out an application with clear cut honest answers like, 'because I know I'm capable and the money looks decent so give me a chance, please?' Someone would appreciate the honesty and since they want the application to stand out, I'm pretty sure that'll stick out like a sore thumb!

And if the application form wasn't a drag enough, here comes the interview. The moment where you put on this front to convince the other person you're the best there is out there. No pressure. And in some cases that's just the beginning..you pass that, you'll be on to the 2nd interview out of 4. Biatchhh don't waste my time to be telling me I ain't good enough after the third stage! Getting my hopes up and all that anticipation for what? To be let down ¬¬ And back to square one!

This is actually becoming a depressing post haha! But I just wanted to show how long, tiring andemotivating job hunting can be! Employers need to give us folks a chance! 

There are more than enough jobs out there available and one of them is waiting for yo name!!

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