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LONDON TOWN, United Kingdom
Love life. Sometimes a cheeseburger will help.

Friday 20 February 2015

Aqua Kyoto for Lunch

So there are many perks you get with a job. The best types? FOOD. Thanks to my boyfriends company we had the chance to dine in Aqua Kyoto and all on the company's' tab ;) JACKPOT.
The only issue I found with that was the size of my stomach! I would have loved to try every. single. dish. However do not underestimate us because we sure had a good go at that! 

This was one of their Sushi Platters, which I must say was pretty disappointing, more ice than fish! I guess with fine dining you eat with your eyes more than you do with your mouth. And for £32 a plate, I'd rather head down to HiSushi for the Sushi Buffet for £18pp. 


Next up, the Salmon Roll topped with Lobster & Miso bisque.

What you can not really see with this is the skin on the sushi, I'm not too sure what it is but it is almost like rice paper fried, the amount of lobster was almost non existent although, altogether in your mouth and it still tastes delicious with every bite, esp. with those fish eggs popping in your mouth. Yum. 

Soft Shell Crab Sushi Rolls

If I can remember correctly this was still warm when it went in my mouth,which is a good sign that they had freshly prepared the sushi. This was delish :P

Fresh Japanese Mugwort Tofu cooked with Truffle Ankake.
Presentation wise? Pretty cool, a small little hot stove with a live flame which you are told by the waiter to let it cook for a minute or so in front of  you. The taste? Not to my fancy.
I love tofu. Fried tofu, boiled tofu, steamed tofu, I love tofu. But this. This now made my face pinch when I put a spoonful of it into my mouth. I think the flavour was too rich? Or unusual? Or maybe because I expected it to taste nice and sweet so my taste buds were thrown off when it was sour and saucy.

Salmon Sashimi - A must have when you eat sushi. Nice cuts of the fish,  not too fat not too skinny.

Wagyu and Foie Gras
This was delicious, I really need to find another word than delicious. But the meat was just soft and melts in your mouth..ahh sublime! And just a little bit of FYI..Wagyu Beef are cows that are fed organic food and are massaged so that they are nice and tenderrr..something the boyfriend taught me..and something else..basically its some good beef!

Wagyu Beef Gyoza
I weren't too keen on this dish, the beef inside seemed too raw for my liking even though it could have been the same but it felt wayyy too soft and just..raw. The presentation is pretty on the side note.

 Grilled Boneless Chicken Wings with Ginger Lime Miso, Wasabi Sesame.
This was one of my favourite dishes. Not only because it is chicken but they were stuffed! Hence why they're so fat. I didn't manage to take a  picture of what was inside, but all the flavours were complimentary of each other and you can taste the honey on the grilled chicken as if fresh from the BBQ stand. This was definitely a hit with me.

Crab Salad with Tomato Dashi Soup Bubble
Now this was a surprise, presentation was nice. I saw 'Crab' on the menu and thought hmmm..(being a seafood lover) The egg shaped jelly you see on top is what I would describe (don't judge) a placenta. You poke a little hole and it oozes out a tomato flavoured soup base which covers the plate completely. The crab is cold, as a salad should be, and tasted quite sour? You can even eat the sticks! Which didn't really taste of anything much. 

Salmon Sushi with a Lobster Bisque
Salmon, check. Sushi, yes please. Lobster bisque? No thanks. It felt as though you have a spoonful of left over oil that has dried up and you're left with the fat..I'm a bad describer but yeah fat and lard feel in your mouth. The rest of the sushi was nice.

Last but never least,desserts! Always room for desserts!
We were offered a selection  of  tea, which I just got the standard Jasmin tea and the Boyfriend had two double espresso..which apparently is over the daily intake? 3 Flavours of Mochi Ice cream, Mango, Strawberry and Green tea. Vanilla ice cream, chocolate sponge and something else I can''t remember but you can't really go wrong with dessert! 

And to end the meal there is a terrace which overlooks the busy street of Central London, so it'll be a good idea to go for dinner, even if for just drinks to enjoy the view at night. Im glad that  I can tick this off my 'Places to eat' List :)

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