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LONDON TOWN, United Kingdom
Love life. Sometimes a cheeseburger will help.

Monday 29 October 2012

Not for me.

I swear on my life I want to just land on luck right now. I want that big man job. That job that will pay me more than well, that job that I will do extra hours for because of my passion for it, that job that I will be proud to represent. THAT f*cking job.
This crave for success is driving me crazy. I just want it all for my parents. To give back. To show my appreciation, my thanks and my love for everything they've done for me. To take them shopping without looking at price tags. To not worry about bills every month. In fact to not worry about money at all. I just want it all for them.
I want to give them the easy life. No stress. No worries. It's the least I can do.
I need to focus! I'm 22 working as part time in retail! This is not my life! I refuse to be trapped and stuck with this safe option. I need to make it happen. I promise I will.

Wednesday 3 October 2012


Lately with my spare time I've been doing lots of work out routines, even jogging at 8am! But it's supposed to wake you up after a good run, I dunno if it's just me or not but I go straight back to bed and I am knocked out! When I wake up I'll do some crunches, squats and leg rise exercises throughout the day. It's only been a week or two but I have been doing something everyday and I could honestly see some changes!! Like a 2 pack forming on my abs..kinda scary to be honest because I don't want to be looking all hench lol too manly for me! >< But I want that solid belly! Just no 6 pack though =/  Anyway.. the slightest improvement has made me happy and I'm so surprised to see the effects in such a short time! But yay..gets me motivated more!

The beginning I was so rubbish at any activity, my stamina and motivation was none existent! But as it went on I managed to do more without being so out of breath so quickly haha, I think I may just even be able to run for the bus without being in such a huff and puff! So proud of myself lol! I'm actually starting to enjoy doing at least half hour of workout now anddd I want to start eating healthy! Let my insides feel good too :)

Saw this video of a 70 year old woman who is a vegan (not that I would give up meat) but she looked
  a m a z i n g  for her age! Have a look yourself..
Here's the link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj7dhoHpyss

Running around the river is so much better than being cooped up in the gym though, it's also the cheaper option! No point in joining gym if I just use the treadmill. I wouldn't swim in my local area, I'm too self conscious for that and sauna..well I could just do that in my bathroom lol

On that last note; keep fit ladies! Feel good, look good! :)

Tuesday 2 October 2012


So I left my intern a week ago and I honestly feel it is one of the best choices I've made. I was asking around my family and friends for advice and it all seemed to be the same response 'STAY'. Stay for the experience, it will be a good look on your CV, you might learn something or you might even gain a job from it at the end. But my gut instinct was to leave. I just feel it's not time for me to go straight into work after uni so soon. I need to enjoy the most of this 'holiday' because practically we'll be working for the rest of our lives! And this will be the only time I'll ever have a real break from everything, and for the time being I'll just slowly decide what it is exactly that I want to do in life. Baby steps.

So follow your gut instincts people! Only you can know what is best for yourself. Your life, your decisions.

'Whatever decision you choose to make in life, believe its the right one, for you. Believe in yourself.'