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LONDON TOWN, United Kingdom
Love life. Sometimes a cheeseburger will help.

Tuesday 2 October 2012


So I left my intern a week ago and I honestly feel it is one of the best choices I've made. I was asking around my family and friends for advice and it all seemed to be the same response 'STAY'. Stay for the experience, it will be a good look on your CV, you might learn something or you might even gain a job from it at the end. But my gut instinct was to leave. I just feel it's not time for me to go straight into work after uni so soon. I need to enjoy the most of this 'holiday' because practically we'll be working for the rest of our lives! And this will be the only time I'll ever have a real break from everything, and for the time being I'll just slowly decide what it is exactly that I want to do in life. Baby steps.

So follow your gut instincts people! Only you can know what is best for yourself. Your life, your decisions.

'Whatever decision you choose to make in life, believe its the right one, for you. Believe in yourself.'


  1. If you feel it was right then it was right! No life like one when you're stuck in a rut and constantly complaining about how crappy your life is when all you need to do is change something. And well done! You changed your layout LOL

  2. Yeppp!! if you aint happy then do sumin' bout it son!! and I know I'm so proud haha, still trying to get the hang of it all ><'
