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LONDON TOWN, United Kingdom
Love life. Sometimes a cheeseburger will help.

Monday 29 October 2012

Not for me.

I swear on my life I want to just land on luck right now. I want that big man job. That job that will pay me more than well, that job that I will do extra hours for because of my passion for it, that job that I will be proud to represent. THAT f*cking job.
This crave for success is driving me crazy. I just want it all for my parents. To give back. To show my appreciation, my thanks and my love for everything they've done for me. To take them shopping without looking at price tags. To not worry about bills every month. In fact to not worry about money at all. I just want it all for them.
I want to give them the easy life. No stress. No worries. It's the least I can do.
I need to focus! I'm 22 working as part time in retail! This is not my life! I refuse to be trapped and stuck with this safe option. I need to make it happen. I promise I will.


  1. Hello, I've enjoyed reading your blog :) I can't find the follow button though, let me know when you've added that :D

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    1. Hiya! Im still new to all this but I've finally managed to put a follow button, I can't seem to find yours either? =/
